Monday, November 19, 2012

7 Months Old

The month of November has totally seemed to slip away from me.  We are now in Casper, Wyoming celebrating the holiday season with the Perkins side of the family and I am trying desperately to catch up on all of the blogging from the passed few weeks, starting with Daxton turning 7 months old.
On October 27th our little man turned one step closer to 1 year old.
It's crazy to see how quickly our little guy is growing and changing.  I swear the weeks fly by quicker and quicker.  It was kind of a chaotic month visiting the doctor multiple times trying to figure out why he was losing weight.  When we weighed him at the end of October, he was 17lbs 2oz.  He had finally started to gain back some of the weight lost.  It was a sad few days though, since I had to stop breastfeeding in order for him to take a formula bottle.  He's quite the stubborn little man, but has grown to love how quickly he gets fed now and in the process has added more chubbiness to those gorgeous chunky cheeks.
Daxton continues to sleep wonderfully through the night and is very patient with all of mommy's hugs and kisses.

1 comment:

  1. Check your milk when you pump, see if after a few hours the fat still separates and rises to the top. When Finn was five months my body was still producing milk, but there was very little fat in it. My mom had this problem and couldn't breast feed any of us, so it was something I was aware of and watched for. And sadly at five months into it my milk did the same thing. If you are not seeing much fat separating when you pump and store your milk then that is probably the problem.


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