After spending a fun day at the lake, we continued our evening by attending our Ward's pioneer day BBQ. It took place at Brionnes Park, just up the road from our house. It's a regional preserve with great hiking trails, but during the hot summers, has NO grass for sitting. Luckily, Jules and I brought our blankets for the little ones to crawl around on!
Daxton and Kaiden had a blast hanging out again. Daxton especially thought it was funny when Kaiden would poke him in the bum with a fork...yep, they are both total boys!

Covered in watermelon juice
(great photobomb, Jules!)
Brionnes had great trees and logs for all the kids to climb on.
Gregory and Bryson had a blast!
Tim and Levi joined us on the blanket for awhile. We thought it was pretty funny that Kaiden and Tim were wearing the exact same outfit.
Just some of the amazing faces from our Ward family.
Lorts Family, Godfrey Family, and Bitter Family
(Aubrey and Shawn as crazy as ever!)
Some of the many faces of Hadley (and photobombing Shawn)
Bishop, Warren, McConnells, Jen, and Jules
Daxton even got the chance to make friends with a sweet dog as well.
We had to end the evening with a "bro" shot...
Jeremy, Nate, Dallas, and Daxton
Great fun and great company=a great night!
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