Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daxton!

Today is Daxton's official due date.  
It's so weird to think that Dallas and I would be on "labor watch" with our bags packed and I'm sure much more prepared than we were 6 weeks ago.  Can I just say how grateful I am for how things worked out?  As it was, I tore during labor pretty bad and little Dax was only 6 pounds.  I can't even imagine how badly my body would have taken it at the weight he is now!  We've had so much fun with him these past six weeks...true, I'm utterly exhausted and am still trying desperately to figure out how to be a mom, but he is just such an incredible blessing in our lives.  

Dallas is such a sweetheart with him.  I am so amazed at his natural instincts to be a father.  I love watching Daxton's reactions to him as well.  The minute he hears Dallas' voice, Daxton will turn his head and raise his eyebrows trying to find daddy.  I should start calling Dallas the baby whisperer or something, he literally has a special connection with our boy and I am so grateful for that.

Sweet Daxton, we are so grateful for you.
We love you so very much.
We love your adorable little facial expressions.
Your little puckered lips and furrowed eyebrows.
We love how you slept for four hours last night giving mommy the longest sleep she's had in the past several weeks!
We love your sweet smiles.
You are the answer to so many of our prayers.
Love you
Love you
Love you!

On his one month birthday (April 27th) we went to the park to try and take family pictures.  Needless to say, this was all he would give us.  At least we got to capture his amazing lips before he started to scream from us waking him up from his nap.  He's going to have to get used to seeing a camera!


  1. Alright. That's it. I'm driving up there this very second to see that handsome devil!

  2. Oh, Kirsten...congrats! I missed your initial post of when little Daxton was born, but golly he's adorable!! I'm so happy for you! and hope all is well with being a mother...I bet you're great!!!


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